Sunday, May 8, 2022


I am currently racing between my kids, my family and work.
It seems almost impossible to update my youtube as frequent as before and this is quite frustrating but I just can't 

My day is full of activities with my kids either being the uber free or mandur or servant of the house or groceries, cooking etc..and between keeping our financial situation at a stable state and making sure all fixed expenses are settle before allocating it for leisure.

I hardly spoil myself with branded stuff, I spoil myself with cheap affordable stuff, in which mostly are for the house and my kids.

So when I hear a noise "why you keep on buying?"...this can easily pissed me off because I am financially independant woman, I pay the bills and make sure everything is paid first...and whatever I buy for myself and kids, it s using my own money.

So what is the problem? You think I m what, a robot?



Anak anakku basically terkejut dgn attitude org kita....basically org kita ni adalah judgemental. Kritik fizikial atau penampilan atau keadaan org secara direct tanpa memikirkan sensitivity atau perasaan org tersebut.

Ini mmg menyimpang jauh dari ajaran Islam yg "menegur jgn meng aibkan"..amalan penunggang ugama juga adalah sangat lazim di masyarakat kita.

Walaupun duduk di negara yg di social media byk buruk burukkan..I must say tiada orang yang being judgemental atau nak kutuk how you look or your size etc...what ever opinion, you keep it to yourself. 
So bila ada family or relative Malaysia yg kita eratkan silaturrahim tetiba mulut takde insurans...anak anakku sgt terkejut kenapa dorg cakap mcm tu kat mama?

Mmg ada org yg self esteem low, mereka nak rasa superior dgn cara condamn dan kutuk org lain.

Walau kita ni byk point pd org tersebut, kita chose utk senyum sahaja tak perlu kata apa apa..sbb yg bercakap tu pun alahai, kang daku laser kang menangih tojon lombong kang kalau kito balas balikšŸ¤£

This shows how great the education of your parents, by the way you communicate with others...alhamdulillah 

Pesan daku pada anak anak..bersedialah berjumpa dgn sanak saudara kekawan yg ada mulut longkang lama tak bersihkan tu. Selagi blh diam, diam dan buat tak tahu.

Sebab org mcm ni, setakat bercakap je lah yg bolehšŸ¤­


Hari Jumaat penuh barakah. Sekolah pagi setiap Isnin dan Jumaat. Selasa Khamis sekolah petang. Adakalanya terlampau banyak utk dibicarakan, ...