Thursday, August 26, 2021


Lama dah tak merempit. Can't wait to have my own car.  I wont let others sell my car and take the money for their own use...enough is enough.

Dah 5tahun kut tak merempit disini.
Tp I am enjoying myself ada driver sbb sepanjang blh drive tu semua daku buat sendiri.
Tengah sarat pun hantar ambik anak balik sekolah sampai org sekeliling tegur, why your husband let you drive when you are almost giving birth like this?

Checkup pun pegi sendiri.
Anak anak nak jumpa doctor ke meeting sekolah ke, outing ke, beli brg rumah ke, daku handle sendiri.

The excuse at that time was, I dont work, I dont bring money to our pls do the rest...

Now that I work and pay the bills and ppl still  expect me to do everything on my own..just  like the old bitter times...

That would make me questioning myself the function of the man in the house🙄

1 comment:

  1. As salam ...
    Your word describe a story in it. Well we have to be independent for marrying from other cultured well as per my experience but mine ia a Malaysian ha ha... But on you they are western people they think , their life differently from our ASIAN people. We have to live with it hu hu but telling to your self do you love him.... dont think of his xxxxxx



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